Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Cartoons create satires of pop culture

Family Guy video clip
South Park video clip

It is evident that many cartoons exhibit the common trait of creating satires of pop culture. Many popular cartoons seen today display this common element such as Family Guy, American Dad, South Park, etc. One that exemplifies this theme very well is Family Guy. Family Guy, like many of the cartoon shows that are geared mainly towards a mature audience, consistently pushes the envelope when it comes to poking fun at pop culture. The Family Guy video clip above shows proof of this attribute through showcasing various scenes in which the characters spoof the recognizable pop culture of today. This video focuses on spoofing reality shows like American Idol and Jackass. South Park is another popular cartoon show that constantly picks on society. South Park is a humorous cartoon show that is known to constantly impersonate celebrities. This South Park video clip demonstrates 10 different celebrity spoofs. These different spoofs take on celebrities by exaggerating their personality qualities and creating humorous variations of them. Even though cartoons are fictional characters that exist for pure entertainment, they are dependent on reality, as they mimic situations and personalities found in the real world.

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